
How to achieve Satisfaction and Happiness in Career

Career Counseling or guidance is a lifelong process since the individual choose an occupation, prepare for it, and make progress in it. Career Counseling has to do with knowing their interest, selection of their subject, formation of their study habit and make them progress in those subject and activities and attain the ultimate aim of getting good career as per their wish.

Tawi Career mentors helps the student  to evaluate their abilities, interests, talents and personality characteristic to develop realistic academic and career goals. We also helps the individuals make career decisions after exploring and evaluating their education, training, work experience, interest, skills and personal traits and arrange for aptitude and achievement tests.

Finding true career direction does not have to depend on luck and trail and error. We can take a much more direct path. Something with less risk and more certainty. Something that gets us there quicker. We are guiding the students in broad terms how one occupational field differs from another how different personalities work differently in a professional setting.

Important factors in career planning.


1)         Interest - What Careers Will You Be Passionate About    

Doing things that you can be passionate about and excited about is probably the most important key to creating the perfect career for yourself.

 2)        What Does "Personality" Have To Do With Your Career?

"Personality Type" is the popular term for Psychological Type which describes how our brains are wired, how our brains function, what each of our brains is good at, and how we prefer to do things and go about our lives.Personality type is one of the most useful tools there is for selecting the right career, and for developing self awareness.Leaing about their personality types, students gain accurate and invaluable insights about themselves and their career-related needs. This enables them to make the most informed, satisfying career decisions.

3)      Your Values and Your Career

Your "values" are your core beliefs. Values are the things that you believe are most important to you. Your values are the things you would be willing to fight for. Not that I am suggesting you get violent .Your values tell you what is right or wrong, good or bad. Values are at the core of your personality. Some will stay the same throughout your life while other values change over time as you gain more life experiences. To have a great career, and to get along well with others in life, you really want to know what your values are. For example, here are some of my personal values.You may not have had the opportunity to discover what your personal values are. So getting to know your values will be exciting.Our values lie just below our normal level of awareness. Some people know their values very well, while others have not spent much time looking at their values.The reason we use values in career planning is that job and career satisfaction depend on your values especially the older you become.

When you are just starting your career, values are usually not an issue. 25 year olds are more focused on getting their first career going and achieving some measure of success. But as you age, and especially as you pass 35 and approach 40, your values become more important. Then there is a good chance that your place of work, your co-workers, and maybe your boss will be stepping all over your personal values.


4)      Skills and Abilities

Skills are the ability to perform certain tasks. We all have skills. The trick is to identify and name your skills.The more work experience you have, the harder this is. I know several people who can do so many different things at work, that they are unable to focus on the skills that will make them the most successful and the most satisfied. Thus they spend their time bouncing around and never getting ahead. They are very frustrated by this.But it goes way beyond that. It helps you separate out the skills you love using and are good at, from all the other skills you have.

It will show you what your Motivated Skills are (skills you are good at and you enjoy).

It will show you what your Bu out Skills are (skills you are tired of using).

It will show you your Developmental Skills (skills you want to improve).

From this, you can identify your Transferable Skills. These are the skills that you can take from job to job. These are the skills you want to highlight on your resume (CV). It's fun and easy to use, and it only takes a few minutes.


5)      Your Differentiators Are What Makes You Unique?

This last step is about how you are different and what makes you unique.

Knowing how you are different is one of the keys to putting yourself in the best possible career.